Thursday, August 4, 2011




  1. Hello Barbara:
    How strange that your school buses should be yellow. This is exactly the same colour as the trams in Budapest. Habsburg yellow we call it!

  2. Call me a freak child, but I always loved the first day of school. New teachers, new school supplies, new school clothes, new shoes, new lunchbox, and since I was a military "brat," usually new friends and a new school, too! Like all firsts and new things, it was bursting with possibilities. I see the back to school stuff showing up in stores now and get all nostalgic for those days!

    Of course, I also loved the first day of summer vacation! I wasn't that freaky! LOL

  3. Laloofah -- It does seem like kids are anxious to get back to school to see their friends and check with them about their summer fun -- so I can understand your comment. Also, of course one is sick of school by May so when vacation break arrives that too is a great day to be enjoyed. Thanks -- barbara

  4. Stephanie, I can understand your comment when I read your occupation on your blog. Made me laugh as I subbed for a few years after I retired. -- barbara

  5. I am with Laloofah. I always loved the first day of school. Those kids who disliked school got too much press. I loved school so much I just kept going. I finish my next degree next year at age 70. School starts Aug. 31.

    Love the Habsburg yellow buses. Dianne

  6. Lance and Jane -- All school buses are yellow in the U.S. I like the sound of Hapsburg Yellow rather than just plain yellow. Perhaps I will nickname the buses here with that name. Thanks -- barbara

  7. Back to more thought control for the kids...

  8. Right on, Darcy! Training for slavery! Don't think. Just keep rowing...!

    Great pix, Barbara!


  9. Dianne -- It takes a lot of energy to stay in school in ones later years. The discipline needed is overwhelming at times. I congratulate you on
    making it all happen and loving it all the while.
    -- barbara

  10. Darcy -- Always like your insightful comments Thanks for the different spin on what other may take for granted. -- barbara

  11. But, the ones who are feeling the most anticipation, and fear? First year teachers.

  12. Elora -- Yes, your thoughts are with many folks that I know. And, with many writers who profess, "jack is in the box" school mentality. Thanks for the comments Elora -- appreciate it -- barbara

  13. Louise -- I was a first year sub in a city public school system after I retired. That is worst than a first year teacher. You are raw meat for the students to tear apart and they do. -- barbara

  14. If I were a kid right now, I'd hate this post! Any reminder of back to school was unwelcome...we always wanted summer to last forever.

    Some of the comments remind me that we always thought it was just us kids who delighted on snow days and didn't want summer to wasn't until one of my friends became a school teacher that I realized teachers are usually sad to see the holidays end too! :)

  15. Rose -- Ahh to be a kid again. Oops, you would be getting ready to go to school soon. Interesting comments I'm getting -- any where from mind control, to good to get back to school to nah, I wouldn't want to go to back to school. A real mixed bag of thoughts. Interesting. -- barbara

  16. Wonderful pictures! Fun to think the different things school buses mean to different folks.

  17. How coincidental. I went to a quilt show at a regional high school today and parked in a spot facing a big lot full of school buses. They weren't just static. Some drivers were there sweeping and wiping down the seats in the buses.

  18. Love the pictures! Our schools will start in a week or so. Where did the summer go?

  19. Here in my county we went back to school today!!!! 25 fresh new students for me :)

  20. Farmchick -- did not know you were a teacher -- 25 students -- I have a feeling it is grade school -- have fun -- barbara

  21. NCmountainwoman -- I think they are making the summers shorter and we just haven't been told yet. -- thanks for stopping by -- barbara

  22. June -- the buses in my photo were spit polished clean. I did wonder when I was taking the photos who cleaned the buses so sparkly -- maybe like you saw at your quilt show -- the drivers. Thanks for the comment -- barbara

  23. Vicki -- yes, i guess memories are personal when it comes to school buses. i never rode one in school as I lived in a small town and was expected to walk everywhere. Did like walking to school with my friends -- my memories. -- barbara

  24. Ya, rev up those buses, get daycare back, go shoppin'. Sheesh glad that's over.

  25. Birdman -- A bus driver life is a tough one for sure! -- barbara

  26. School busses are so bright and yellow. Summer has gone by so quickly, but I am ready for fall.

  27. Janet -- These buses were especially bright and yellow with their clean and polished look. Wonder how long it takes for kids to unravel this look once school starts. Thanks for the comment -- barbara

  28. Barbara, You have an eye for a good picture. But I'm not ready for fall. Back to sleep!

  29. Sheri -- I have to say with the horrible heat we have been experiencing that I am ready for fall. Of course, for you, there are all those lovely summers flowers so it would be best to push fall off a bit. -- barbara
