Friday, June 22, 2012


Last weekend I walked the fields of shadow and sunlight surrounded by soft white wildflowers and an old pig barn. It was early morning and all was still. There was a certain meditative quality surrounding me as I snapped photos. The tree with it wind-sweep stature, giving way to chronic ageism yet providing a youthful ballerina stance for me. The white pig barn fading along with the old tree. I was in my element. 

When I got back to my abode in the woods, I looked up a favorite poem selection by Rainer Maria Rilke.  His poem is titled The Solitary Person. It underscored my morning feelings as I observed the quiet landscape. Here it is for you.

Among so many people cozy in their homes,
I am like a man who explores far-off oceans.
Days with full stomachs stand on their tables;
I see a distant land full of images.

I sense another world close to me,
perhaps no more lived in than the moon;
they, however, never let a feeling alone,
and all the words they use are so worn.

The living things I brought back with me
hardly peep out, compared with all they own.
In their native country they were wild;
here they hold their breath from shame.


  1. It is never easy to me the odd person out, for whatever reason. They should be welcomed in.

    1. Yes RuneE, all persons and all parts of nature should not be the odd ones out. "The worn words," such as that espoused by our media, leaves out much of the beauty of our world. thanks for the comment -- barbara

  2. Beautiful, Barbara.
    walking "the fields of shadow and sunlight" is always a good way to spend a day. What a nice display of wildflowers and how can a person not love an old barn? Love the photo and your words. The Rilke is the perfect accompaniment. Very nice post.

    1. Teresa, slowing down in life gives me a chance to experience the mystical environment of my life. It is how I recharge my batteries. I feel you are somewhat of the same type of person that often takes time to reflect and celebrate life. Thanks for the very nice comment -- barbara

  3. We solitary souls easily recognize those that mirror our quest for peaceful exploration. Enjoying your blog.

    1. Nature Weaver -- I like your word, quest -- reminds me of the native American vision quest ritual. Mine and perhaps yours is a life long vision quest rather than the native American's which was for a short period of time. I hadn't thought of what I practice as a vision quest but the more I think about it the more I am going to frame my quest similar to the native American quest. Thanks for the nice comment -- barbara

  4. A wonderful poem to accompany this photo. I love the pop of color in the shot. As I continue in age, I can say that I am becoming more of a solitary person. Nothing like the quiet of a farm, a camera, and a few dogs. Heaven.

    1. Michelle -- Your idea of a farm, a camera and a few dogs sounds like heaven to me too. I think you have chosen a good life for now and for your later years. -- barbara

  5. Firstly the header picture is stunning, the shades of gray illustrate the Rilke poem perfectly for me. The actual farm serves more as an illustration of your walk but not so much your mood. I haven't read enough Rilke and thank you for introducing me to another of his deeply insightful poems.
    Your meditative walking through the flowers reminds me of Mary Oliver's poem "The Summer Day" in which she admits she has been strolling fields all day and asks, "What else should I have done?/Doesn't everything die at last and too soon?" What a lovely post read first thing in the morning.

    1. June -- Don't most people need solitude in their life to balance their mind in this frenzied world. Solitude,for me is like a cool drink of spring water refreshing my mind as well as my thirst. I like Oliver's question, "What else should I have done?/Doesn't everything die at last and too soon?" Very powerful statement!

      Nice comment about my header. Actually my walk was in the fields near the white hog barn and the "ballerina" tree. I picked the white wildflowers -- brought them home to a jar of cool water. We haven't had rain and everything in the earth is straining. I water lots of earth pockets around my place to provide drinks for the critters. thanks of the comment -- barbara

  6. At home and at peace with myself solitary wanderings are grace. The enjoyment enhanced with aging. The worries and have toos' let go. Perhaps you are joined in the unseen distance by many akin to your soul.

    1. Grampy -- It is a wise person that understands their soul. Solitude opens up the mind. thanks for the comment -- barbara

  7. Me Tine... is important in life.

    1. Birdman -- Every second is important -- I'm sure you agree! thanks for the comment -- barbara
