Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today, I have been reading many posts on some of the blogs that I usually follow plus finding some new blogs that I have added to my Google reader. This action is a quality break from working on projects during my "summer-time off." 

This summer I bought a new Canon Rebel camera and have tried it out a bit. I think it is going to be awhile before I feel comfortable using it. The two photos on this post were taken with my new camera. The top one is an impromptu shot of my sweet dog Sal (sallie tomato - real name) and the other is of a neighbor's horse that I often notice as I ride past its barn. He usually stands outside the barn looking rather majestic. I just had to take a photo of him -- yet,  when I walked close to his corral to take his photo he played shy with me. Like humans, we often seem confident to strangers when viewed from a distance, yet on closer inspection we can be rather timid.

For those that are aware that my house is for sale -- it still is for sale. Seems one has to price way below what was paid for a house in order to sell it. Some folks are getting great buys as a result of this "down" economy. Europe, in many places, is in worst shape than us so I should not complain. (but I do a little bit)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. (although it doesn't officially start until June 20th)


  1. Wow...I wish I could get as good a picture with my new camera as you manage with yours! Enjoy your summer off, and good luck with your house sale. We'll be listing ours one of these days soon, and I'm not looking forward to the cut we'll have to take.

    1. Jan, I have heard that some areas are doing alright as far as getting a fair price but most of the stories I hear are not so good. If you don't have to sell now .. I wouldn't. I do not have to sell now so I guess I'll just sit here with a for sale sign in my yard as a garden ornament. The price of the house has been lowered once and I cannot afford to lower it again. -- good luck -- barbara

  2. Nice photo of the horse. I like the Canon Rebel. Nope, it is not the time to be selling. That is unless you live in L.A. That's too bad that you need to sell now.

    1. Rubye -- so nice to hear from you. Some areas are doing fine. Salt Lake City,Utah is another great place to be selling a house. I don't need to sell now -- so if I am here for a few more years that is OK. The worst part, for me, is keeping the house perfect for any lookers. Don't know if I can handle this for years! I am not that kind of housekeeper. thanks for stopping by and I enjoy reading your blog -- barbara

  3. Barbara I think you're gonna do just fine with the new camera. Sal has such sweet eyes and love the horse peeking at you too.

    1. Mamabug -- I can tell you are moving around quite well by all the nice photos you have been putting on your blog. Your ironweed is beautiful. Thanks for the encouragement on using my Rebel. I need lots of practice but I know I will catch on to all the dials and buttons eventually. You soon will be a grandmother. Your life will expand exponentially then. -- barbara

  4. Sweet Sal, and that horse is a wonderful photo. I love his rust-colored forelock.

    1. Teresa -- I read through quite a few of your old posts today. I find them very inspiring. That horse didn't know what to think of me and my camera. Animals can almost react like humans to the unknown. Love to study their behaviors. Like to study human behavior especially. You seem to have led such an intriguing life! -- thanks for stopping by -- barbara

  5. Good to hear from you and to see the close up results with your new camera -- looking at them while they look at us. Good luck selling the house.

    1. June -- what a way to start your summer with that nasty tic bite. I take it you are doing better but in one of your posts you mentioned it might take most of the summer to get back to normal. Well, my summer has been one of mostly work. Things like cleaning out fence lines, painting etc. I have a nice young man that helps me. It has been fun to read all the blogs today -- even discovered a few new ones. So it is on with summer in whatever fashion -- barbara

  6. I think the housing market is down everywhere. Having to make the decision between selling it at a loss or waiting for a market that may or may not improve is awful. I hope you are able to sell it soon.

    1. Birdie -- Yes, the economy is weird right now. I do remember other slow downs in past years -- seems we always work ourselves out of it. Some areas of the country are showing signs of a comeback -- this is good for workers. If my house takes a while to sell -- so be it. I am not disturbed about it. Things are happening as they should. Thanks for stopping by Birdie -- barbara

  7. Greatb photos :)
    Hope the house market turns around for you soon or that you're able to wait it out for a bit :)

    1. Janyne -- Haven't heard if your country is having economic woes. It seems so widespread around the globe. I am able to wait it out no matter how long it takes. I know a couple that just sold a house that has been on the market almost five years. So it goes. I complain about it a little but it is just an exercise in futility and I know that. Really, I live in a beautiful natural area that is private and quiet. Just my cup of tea. Life is happening as it should. thanks for the comments -- barbara

  8. Love the photos!!!! Did Sal get his name from one of my favorite movies -- Breakfast at Tiffany's? He is a darling pup!!!

    And wahhhhh -- you didn't come see me!!! LOL Just kidding!!!!

    1. Kay -- thanks for the comments. My pup is an eight year old golden retriever and he is one of my best friends. His name came from a man I met walking a mountain trail in New Mexico -- his dog was named Sallie Tomato. Sal was christianed this name when he came into my son's life. I inherited him about four years ago. I had heard that the term sallie tomato was from some movie but I don't know which one?? Stay cool in the heat -- barbara

    2. Sallie Tomato (who never really was seen) was the gangster that Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) visited weekly at Sin Sing in the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's one of my favorite films and I prolly have seen it dozens of times. Obviously, Sal's former owner was also a fan. LOL I now have a name should I adopt a pet!!!! (You can get the film from Netflix)

    3. Kay -- nice to have the real history of this odd name. I will have to watch the movie sometime in the future. I hope my big sweet 100 pound Sal looks like a gangster as he is supposedly my watchdog. However, he spends a great deal of time in the house.I guess you can say he is an indoor/outdoor watchdog.

  9. Outstanding horse shot. Love those eyes.

    1. Birdman -- thanks for the nice comment I too liked the shy look he gave me over the fence rail. -- barbara

  10. The hores was a beauty, so you seem to get the hang of it. Good luck with the sale of your house!
    Regards from another Canon user :-)

    1. RuneE -- I am working hard (with much pleasure) at understanding my Canon Rebel T3. I have a feeling the wait will be long in selling my house. That is OK. thanks for your comment -- barbara

  11. Nature Weaver -- Sal's eyes match his personality. He is a huge dog with lots of love. thanks for the comment -- barbara
