Thursday, March 8, 2012


A couple of years ago I was sitting in a crowd of people listening  to a speaker from India by the name of  Vandana Shiva. I was familiar with her environmental writings and was anxious to have the opportunity to hear her speak.  That night she deeply impressed me with her environmental knowledge and need for activism globally. Ms Shiva is and has been active in many environmental issues for the past 20 years. That night she concentrated mostly on saving our global seeds from being owned by corporate companies such as Monsanto.  
Vandana Shiva -- Wikipedia
After the lecture I was able to talk with her for a short period. As I started our mini-conversation I shook her hand. Instead of letting go, she held my hand warmly as we talked. I swear I felt a sense of inter-being emanating from her hand. 

March is Women's History Month.  A time to recognize women in general and some specifically. I have many women that I would like to acknowledge -- and today I will start with Vandana Shiva. During this month I will highlight a couple more. Of course, I feel that there are so many women that should be applauded besides the few that I will mention.

Vandana Shiva was born 1952 in India. She began her career as a physicist. Eventually, she became a philosopher and an environmental activist. She is active with the International Forum on Globalization and has received in 1993 the Right Livelihood Award.

Below is a video of her stance on saving our global natural seed stock:

Stay tuned during March for a few more mentions of women that  I feel have contributed their time and energies to our way of life. 


  1. I'm wondering if she is the same woman whom Prince Charles is actively involved with on environmental issues. If so, she has a very cosmic view of life. What a fine thing it would be to meet her and what a good thing it is to honor women in this way. Thank you, Barbara. The video is very important viewing.

    1. Teresa, I wouldn't be surprised if she and Prince Charles are actively involved on environmental issues as Prince Charles has been involved with those types of issues for many years. If fact if I could honor a male environmentalist he would be at the top of my list. Thanks for the very kind comment -- barbara

  2. Wonderful post! Excellent that you have brought to light this cause and even more so highlighting Vandana Shiva.

    1. Michelle -- I feel women are finally being recognized by delegating March as Women's History Month. It would be nice for some of the women bloggers, and men too, to honor a woman for the month and perhaps even write a post about the person. Thanks for stopping by -- barbara

  3. A very important video. She speaks so well, and says such important things. Thanks for including it on your blog.

    1. June -- We know that women now are openly an energetic force compared to the dark ages when women who were energetic forces were culturally kept in the closet. Some women were able to break through those cultural barriers and we owe them so much. Vandana is one of those energetic forces. I thank you for your comment -- barbara

  4. Wow, what a great post Barbara. Enjoyed hearing what Vandana had to say on the video. Gives us all something to think about.

    1. Mamabug -- You are back! Hope you are dancing a jig. Look forward to your posts. Thanks for the comment on the video -- barbara

  5. What an incredible woman!!!! And what how blessed you are to have met her!!!

    1. Kay -- Incredible is a good way to describe Vandana. Her work is far reaching and important. -- barbara

  6. She seems to the kind of person we to save this planet, "The Pale Blue Dot" in the words of the late Carl Sagan.

    1. RuneE -- I do like Carl Sagan and his words of saving the Pale Blue Dot. I do believe that Vandana's activism is focused on this same philosophy. Thanks for the nice comment -- barbara

  7. Very moving and frightening truth of what we are doing to ourselves and our planet. Now is definitely the time for women everywhere to step up and raise our voices. How fortunate you were to be able to chat with her.

    1. NCmountainwoman -- woman are strong life forces that naturally are compassionate about our living planet -- that is given the awareness of what is happening. You are so right -- we as women need to step up and raise our voices. Every little bit counts. Thanks for the comment -- barbara

  8. Barbara, So affirming to read this and note you posted it on International Women's Day. It would be wonderful if more women wrote of women--notable and otherwise-- on their blogs; I hope you've started something we need to include in our blogging spaces.

    1. naomi -- I feel the same -- about women writing about notable women. I define notable as not only the famous but also the woman that are crossing guards for children going to school, those who follows their bliss no matter the opposition, and others. Thanks for stopping by -- barbara
