Monday, March 19, 2012


Utah Mountains 
If you are dissatisfied at work or are unemployed here is one occupation suggestion to change your view. Become a canyon dog walker. This is what my daughter did about ten years plus ago. How can you beat the pleasure of the beautiful outdoors, getting wonderful exercise and still be making good money while you are doing so. 

The person in the photo above is my daughter who is in her element hiking with dogs and enjoying the natural beauty of the mountains. Although the dogs are a lot of responsibility she absolutely loves her work

Of course if you don't have canyons you can still take advantage of your natural environment for dog walking, be it woods, beach, desert, corn fields or whatever part of nature you have available. 

If one wants to work in the beauty of nature here are some other outdoor occupations to consider; artist,  gardener, snow shoveler, newspaper route, window washer, park ranger, utility worker, farmer,  surveyor, writer, photographer, house painter, biologist, archaeologist, and numerous others. 

As Joseph Campbell stated -- Follow Your Bliss


  1. Wow!!!!!!!!!! What a glorious photo!!!!

    1. Kay -- Thanks for the comment on the photo. My daughter's friend took it this past winter. -- barbara

  2. And with a lot of these sorts of jobs you don't have to worry much about co-workers and bosses.

    1. Rubye -- Yes, many folks like to work at occupations where they are either their own boss or have only slight supervision -- can you blame them! -- barbara

  3. Oh, my gosh! What beautiful country to walk the dogs in! Lucky young woman to have found such great employment. I used to see "canyon" dog walkers in NYC -- nothing like the Utah canyons, though.

    Your header picture of the barn is very wonderful -- what dignity that barn has. Thanks for showing it to us.

    1. June -- These are the mountains I am expecting to live by if and when I sell the house and move to Utah. Thanks for the nice comment on the barn header. I agree that vintage barns certainly reflect a simple dignity.

  4. Your daughter does seem to be having a great time. At this stage of my life, I don't want to be committed to a job of any kind...not even a volunteer one. I do have two dogs that I walk across the hills and up and down the trails but they don't demand that I keep to a specific schedule.

    1. Some of us have put in a life time of work and now we just want to enjoy our interests. Your dogs are beautiful and I am sure they soak in all the loving attention that they receive -- especially the runs by the river -- barbara

  5. That looks so wonderful! Being out in nature with dogs AND getting fresh air/exercise....perfection.

  6. Michelle -- Yes, my daughter likes the benefits of having an occupation that allows her to be outside getting plenty of exercise. -- barbara

  7. Over here from Ronni's blog. What a cheerful start to my morning, to read about the Appalachian spring you are experiencing and your daughter's dog walking activities. What fun!
    Tnank you!

    1. Hattie -- Glad you stopped by. My daughter has had some unusual experiences dog walking that adds to her outdoor experience. Thanks for stopping by -- barbara

  8. If you're a dog-lover, what a job for you... or her in this case. And the canines must love the romp.

    1. Birdman -- Great exercise and fresh air plus lots of dog protection from the wild ones -- thanks -- barbara

  9. A canyon dog walker. Sounds like my kind of job! What a wonderful way to go through the day.

    1. Teresa -- I image you would like canyon dog walking. Your posts describing your hikes in Utah would make you an ideal candidate. Thanks for the comment -- barbara
