Thursday, December 2, 2010


The stub of a decaying tree limb has become a basin for catching rain water
Nature always provides surprises to a walker along a trail. Recently, a few days after a rain, I moseyed down a  trail close to my home and observed something I felt was a bit different. This was what could be considered miniature watering holes or as I call them -- nature's drinking cups

Above is a decayed limb that has a basin-like cavity at the top of its stub. When we have rain it fills and remains for several days

Close up of the decayed limb's drinking cup
Here is a close up photo of the tree's drinking cup. As you can observe, clear fresh water is caught in the decayed basin. I imagine that birds and insects love these small places.

Boulder with a natural basin providing a drinking cup that fills after a rain

Another basin like drinking cup. This one is in the hollow of a large boulder. I thought that the two examples of drinking cups displays the ingenious way that nature takes care of its little wild critters. 


  1. I love this. In the summer months, I keep little cups and dishes filled with water on the patio for my critters.

  2. Nature is so full of neat things. Unfortunately most people just don't take the time to notice them.

  3. A very sensitive observation of the natural "drinking cups." Also the stone fence you've put a the top of the blog is a very handsome one.

  4. Vicki --thanks for stopping by with a comment! -- barbara

  5. June -- Thanks for the nice comment on my new header -- a KY rock fence. Also your remarks on the drinking cups. -- barbara

  6. Joe, I am a slow walker on the trail and I'm sure that has something to do with why I observe the small things of nature. Thanks for the comment -- barbara

  7. Tess -- That is a great idea for folks to do as lots of the small critters love a sip now and then especially in dry times -- thanks -- barbara

  8. Love it, Barbara, nature is a clever clogs ;)

  9. Barbara,

    I think that's where Vicki's fairys gather to visit and do their laundry...don't you think?


  10. Jayne -- Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment. -- barbara

  11. Elora -- Yes, I did comment to Vicki that her fairies could do their laundry at my "drinking cups."

  12. Beautiful. We have lots of trees like that and despite the water we provide the birds often drink from the trees.

  13. The drinking cup on the tree is so beautiful in an unusual way.

  14. I really like your name for these sorts of mini reservoirs for critters - nature's drinking cups ~ as well as the idea that fairies use them to do their laundry! (Faeries do hold cleanliness in high esteem, after all, and need a place to wash their dainties!) :-)

    I'm always finding big boulders around here that have those wonderful little depressions in them, just like the rock in your photo. They look intentionally carved out for water to fill so critters can drink from them, and I always think, "Nature sure thinks of everything!" But I've never seen a tree with such a built-in basin like that before! I love it! And I'll bet the birds and squirrels love it even more! Thank you for sharing your wonderful discoveries on the trail. :-)

  15. Thanks for your comment about my Mom's death.

    These photos are really wonderful.

  16. Kass -- Wonderful to have you stop by and nice that you enjoyed the photos. -- barbara

  17. Laloofah -- Like the spelling -- faieries. Will have to remember that spelling.

    I imagine you find huge big boulders in those mountains of WY. Our Appalachian mountains look so small compared to those in the west. Probably lots of "drinking cups" in your area. -- barbara

  18. Farmchick -- thanks for the nice comment. I bet you are having this white snow prelude today. Puts one in the holiday mood. -- barbara

  19. NCmountaianwoman -- Aren't they beautiful to observe when filled with water. Love the natural world. -- barbara
