Friday, November 13, 2015


Dog parks have become quite the place to hang out if you have a dog. If you want the benefit of exercise for your dog (s) or if you just want your dog to enjoy playing with others a dog park provides this. Some parks are small while others have lots of space for dogs to roam -- all off leash. Above and below are photos of a large park where I take my dog every day to run and greet other dogs both large and small. She loves it. 

Here are some woman that have been enjoying watching their dogs as they socialize with other dogs -- while at the same time doing a bit of socialization with each other. 

Above several of the owners with their dogs are throwing Frisbees for the dogs. Great exercise. To the far right is my dog Daisy. She is ten so she can only run so long and then she just walks and sniffs around the park.

If you have thought about taking your dog to a dog park check out this Wikipedia site to find out the particulars. Also check with your local municipality for locations. 


  1. Dog Parks are really important if people have dogs and live where they cannot be exercised.

    1. Tabor -- That is why I am so well acquainted with dog parks -- I live in an apartment and a dog park affords me the opportunity to run my dog Daisy everyday. Thanks -- barbara

  2. Tabor -- Since there are many folks living in cities and suburbs that would mean lots of dog parks. I really wonder how many there really are in this country? But they do provide a nice meeting space for both dogs and people. -- barbara

  3. I've just been to New Zealand and Australia and note that they don't have nearly as many pets as we do. I wonder why that is.

    1. Hattie -- good question. I think each culture has a different way of handling dogs. I heard in Germany one can take their dog into restaurants? thanks-- barbara

  4. My town has a dog park too and they do sound fun and healthy for the humans too. Community. You seem very happy with your dog, Barbara.

    1. Rita -- I am happy with my dog that I got from the humane society. She is an old lady in dog terms but she is spunky. Dogs are great pals. Thanks -- barbara

  5. Replies
    1. Rita -- Nice to hear you liked it! -- thanks -- barbara
