Sunday, November 11, 2012


Found this short video online -- produced by Scott McLean. I call it peak oil in a nutshell. Worth watching if you are wondering about what your children and grandchilden face in their future.

Hopefully you are practicing reducing your oil use in such things as cosmetics, blow-up Halloween figures, items made out of plastic, fake Christmas trees, video games and I could go on and on and on. 

No one likes to hear about reducing our oil use as it takes away all the fun things that we feel we need. But I feel just cutting back a little (or a lot) helps. 


CNN Money has this video on its site  and  of course it is biased toward corporations. Here there is praise for all the oil wells being drilled using the fracking method  on farm lands. Click on this link and ask yourself how can we stop this madness given what we know about its polluting effects to water, humans and wildlife?


  1. Food coating. How special.
    Personally, I wish we'd get rid of spandex and polyester anyway. They're so gross. It's a fine world we've created isn't it? (yes, sarcasm at play)

    1. Rubye -- Yes, the food coating thing gets me too. Fruit should be marked if they have the coating, I think -- thanks -- barbara

  2. Very sobering information, well described with charts and all. Thanks.

    1. Barbara -- What damage oil production has done to our earth. Confusing that some folks don't get the connection between consumer goods and oil -- thanks -- barbara

  3. Replies
    1. Michelle -- I think Scott McLean did a great job on the graphics -- thanks -- barbara

  4. One cannot help but imagine our beautiful Earth 200 years from now. Your post is a powerful reminder for all of us.

    1. Nature Weaver -- In just my life time I have seen major damage to this earth of ours, don't want to image what another 200 years will look like if we continue on this present path - all of us play a part in the direction it will lead. thanks- barbara

  5. We are so stupid about these things. The anti-science crowd portrays all science as an evil visit from the devil.

    1. Tabor -- It seems the anti-science crowd really masks the truth so that the companies like Exxon and like companies can say they do no harm. thanks - barbara

  6. Nice, concise little clip. Fracking is a horror. We must learn moderation an not let the advertisers tell us we need this, we need that ... we need to recognize the greed that is rampant and refuse to be a part of it.

    1. June -- I agree with every word you say in your comment. Your word, moderation, is key to helping solve this huge energy problem. thanks for the good comment -- barbara

  7. Food coating is the very reason I eat apples only when they are in season and local. And fracking frightens me even more than pipelines. Especially in areas with fragile shale. We all have to work harder.

    1. NCmountainwoman -- I like the boycott method myself. Historically that has worked if enough folks refuse to buy certain products -- the powers feel the loss of revenue. Good idea to eat local and in season. At farmers markets I always ask if the apples have been sprayed. thanks for the comment -- barbara

  8. We live well and don't want to give up our privileges. We need large scale projects to uphold a high standard of living while maintaining and improving living standards for all. Piecemeal solutions won't work, so the big corporations must come under government regulation forcing them into a crash program to bring carbon emissions down. It's late to do this, but we are cooking the planet.

    1. Hattie -- I guess I am playing the devil's advocate by my following comments but I'm sure you'll understand that each of us has our theories. I'm a bit leering of the mix of corporations and government as sometimes it is difficult to tell who is running who. I feel that piecemeal efforts do on occasion work. Caesar Chevez's grape boycott worked in California and the black movement in the south with King and other leaders was a piece by piece effort. I'm all for no drive days to bring the price of gas down and introduce folks to public transportation, walking and bikes. As the 2012 election proved -- the people are united on many issues and they overcame the monied folks and won the election for Obama. The people spoke -- they are the drivers not the passengers. thanks for your good comments -- barbara
