Saturday, December 6, 2014


Pablo Picasso --  Spain, 1881
(Credit: Museum of Modern Art)

As I sit here this morning, many thoughts run through my mind about our nation's plight over recent current events in our nation. I turned to arts and literature to emphasize what we are up against today in the U.S. The painting above by Pablo Picasso was painted in Spain, it is rather generic -- it was his plea against barbarity. 

And in literature I found this:

Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is... we cannot expect things to be much better in this world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity. ~~ Rachel Carson (credit: Hay Quaker)


  1. Hear-Hear! I second that in every way I can.

    1. visualnorway -- So nice to hear that we think along the same lines! -- barbara

  2. This painting is one that totally shocked me. It's visual impact tremendous.

    1. Carole Anne -- that is exactly the reaction that Picasso wanted -- shock! He painted it during his country's Civil War in Spain. Here in the U.S. we are having selective killings -- creating -- shock! thanks -- barbara

  3. Your picture speaks all. To hurt someone from a position of power and not offer relief when subjugation is achieved is the heart of brutality.

    1. Joanne -- I can tell your words speak from your heart. I am frankly glad to see the young and old out in the streets with signs and having die-ins. It gives me faith, especially in young people willing to stand up to the powers -- letting them know that they are willing to stand up to right the wrongs that have been occurring. I will be writing to many mayors and governors with my disillusionment of the present system that looks the other way when it comes to brutality.

  4. I got a virus attack block when I clicked on your link. Not sure what that means except I do get these with some blogs and not others! I worry that the majority of our police force, who are good people trying to to a VERY DIFFICULT job, will not give up on their mission. We need cameras and stricter action when an officer has problems on his record.

    1. Tabor --I checked into it and there is no apparent problem with my site. From experience I know that some police can go completely overboard on controlling a situation but many are trained to handle the situation in a sane way. I do hope that these reoccurring problems with our police officers can be eliminated soon. Otherwise I believe that more citizens will insist on change.-- thanks -- barbara

  5. Does not register on those in charge. If only we could try another way for a change.

    1. One Fly -- It seems that those in charge are being very ambivalent in addressing the real problem and we know what that is. thanks -- barbara

  6. Thank you for the Rachel Carson quote. The last sentence puts guilt on the passive who so often are ignored, or feel self-righteous, because they are passive. All killing is tragic, and that includes all animals and the natural world (trees, plants) too.

    1. June -- I believe Rachel Carson is right in her quote. We do need answers as to why this is happening so often and what are some of the possibilities we can do as a people to stop such wanton killings. -- thanks -- barbara

  7. I saw a bumper sticker today that said, "When the power of lover overcomes the love of power, wars will cease." I think that applies to many of today's problems.

    1. June -- Good quote -- will you please send it to all the people in power -- they need a few reminders. -- thanks barbara

  8. That painting says chaos to me. And, chaos is what I feel like I read so much in our news today. I rarely watch the news on television.

    1. Michelle -- Hopefully we will be able to turn ourselves around and begin to live without all that you are seeing on TV. It will take lots of solutions to figure a way out of this quagmire. thanks -- barbara.

  9. I thought at first you were writing regard the recent revelations of torture. Torture, murder, violence its all the same. Immorality gone amuck. Enough....

    1. troutbirder -- Gone amuck -- good description -- barbara

  10. Thank you, Barbara, shall continue with my 'down memory lane' :0)

    1. Carole Anne -- look forward to your new/old blog -- barbara

  11. This human condition is complex & perplexing...cruelty, so many children are born into it...Let there be peace & let it begin with me...I don't remember if that was a quote from Pete Seeger?

    1. Rita -- I like your words "Let there be peace and let it begin with me." A good practice for all. -- thanks -- barbara
