Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Standing in a local park this afternoon I noticed a large ball of sun trying to break through the dark layers of sky. It was as if the sun was pushing against the darkness saying "it's my turn in the sky now." However she did not win the battle and her light was soon extinguished by the clouds.

I am not really fond of the constant day after day overcast that we have experienced lately here in the Pacific Northwest. But when I see how the rest of the country has been faring I know to keep my mouth shut.

But really -- I do agree with the sun -- it's her turn to shine.


  1. Barbara, And I agree with you & the sun. You honored it & the clouds too by noticing this brief moment, so atmospheric & glowing...And I like how you caught the vastness of the sky.We had warmer weather & sunshine in the last days, even the ocean was blue again. What a difference it made in many people's moods as we got outdoors again...Thank you, Barbara

    1. Rita -- Overcast skies have been the "normal" for about a month. Here and there we get a glimmer of a patch of sun and blue skies but only a peek and then back to overcast. I would love to see your blue ocean. Oceans are so dramatic and awesome. Do you ever view the ocean storms? thanks -- barbara

  2. Our days have been sunny here at last, but by sunset the clouds come up and swallow the sun and our sunset look much like yours.

    1. Tabor -- As I write this I can gaze out my window at the whitish-gray skies (overcast!). I'm sure in the atmospheric nature of mother earth there is a good reason for it to be so. Perhaps I should do some research on the phenomenon rather than sulk about it. thanks - barbara

  3. I know hoe you feel. You captured the mood very well. It has been mostly monochrome and wet over here too for a couple of months. But the last couple of days we have in fact seen the sun for a couple of hours (it is yellowish). Maybe you will soon too :-)

    1. RunE -- Yes, I remember the "yellowish." I figure that soon we will see the colors blue, white and yellow in the sky. I am not in any way an atmospheric scientist but I think living by large bodies of water has something to do with these long periods of gray. Anyway we will all be delighted when the regular skies return. thanks -- barbara

  4. We've been having lots of sun down here. Funny how a few miles can make such a difference eh?
    This is a beautiful photo Barbara.

    1. Rubye -- Lots of sun? Send some up this way. Perhaps its the land positioning that causes your area to get more sun? Have you lived in Oregon before? Wonderful state! -- thanks for the comment on the photo -- barbara

  5. Yep, I agree completely. Did you get hard winds lately too?

    1. Barb -- So you had wind too. We had quite a bit of wind over this last weekend. I have been a wind freak since I was very young so of course I was out walking in it. My favorite kind of wind is the ones that whistle around your home at night when you are all snug inside. thanks -- barbara

  6. It's still wintertime here but the sun does shine most of the time, It's a huge difference.

    1. One Fly -- Haven't you had some huge snow storms in Colo.? Or are you in some warm climate someplace? thanks for the comment -- barbara

    2. Steamboat (my former home) is getting dumped on as a lot of ski resorts are. Da boat is leading the pack which is not unusual. 280 as the crow flys here SE. Way different. I've shoveled a bit of snow twice but it always goes away. It's actually fairly mild and there have been a few 60 degree days. The wind can be an issue. One morning there was a real 62 degree different between here and the San Luis valley 45 miles to the west. I don't see how people can live there. It's 40 now and may hit 50 or more. Lot's of sun - no wind. Pretty nice out. Bland as there is little color but still very decent.

  7. That looks like what we call a sucker hole.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It could be I'm sure but not in this case. It's when it's been so long since you have seen the sun and you see something like this or perhaps a bit of blue and are stupid enough to think it's going to appear and stay.

    3. One Fly -- I had a bit of trouble responding -- hit the wrong box and suddenly my reply was removed. What I said in my reply was that the term sucker hole sounds like a fishing term? Anyway -- I'm sorry about the above removal -- my fingers just get in my way sometimes when I type. -- barbara.

  8. Great picture, a promise of sunshine to come but just not yet awhile.

    1. claggle -- it will return and the trumpets will blare! -- thanks -- barbara

  9. It has been so overcast this winter, so far (not half done with January!), but I am deluding myself when I think it's abnormal. Actually, we have little sunshine in winter.

    1. Joanne -- I remember Michigan, when I lived there, it was overcast a lot in the winter but so far Vancouver wins the overcast award over Michigan. Being you are close to Michigan I could see you receiving a lot of cloudy days. A positive I've noticed in the past week is that the days are staying lighter longer! thanks for the comment -- barbara

  10. Dear Barbara, it has been a crystalline clear blue sky day here today - lots of beautiful sunshine, but guess what? snow is forecast for tomorrow! fingers crossed! and sending you some sun from Alabama :))

    1. Starr -- I just checked the weather for Vancouver -- Wed., Thurs., and Fri.,-- sunny and in the fifties. How is that for Jan.? Yikes, snow in Ala.? Guess you better not put away the sleds! Thanks for the nice comment -- barbara

  11. The writer Bill Bryson wrote about that kind of weather which is very common in the UK. He said it was like "living inside some Tupperware".

    1. John -- Oh, I am familiar with Bill Bryson. I had not read his comment about "living inside some Tupperware bowl." His comment made me laugh -- I'll remember that one. Thanks for the comment -- barbara

  12. San Francisco was perfect, weatherwise, yesterday. Now I am sitting looking out my window in Seattle. The sun is trying to come out but is not going to make it.

    1. Hattie -- Today was supposed to be sunny. Nope, it was not. I like John's comment above about "like lliving inside a Tupperware bowl." thanks -- barbara

  13. I too don't like overcast skies. I can deal with cold fairly well so long as there is sun too. I love your idea of the sun beating on the darkness to have her chance to shine.

    1. Jenny -- Overcast skies seem to be the angst of many folks. I don't mind them if they only stay for a couple days. There has to be a scientific reason why overcast can hang around for so long. -- thanks for the comment -- barbara

  14. Hi Barbara. I came over and caught up on reading your blog. I too wish to see the happy sun. Lately, it seems my mood has mimicked the weather - dreary and overcast.

    1. Janet -- Perhaps we can say this is an extraordinarily cold and overcast winter. I noticed more snow in the forecast for parts of the east. Kentucky where I just moved from is expecting snow today. I leave it in the hands of Mother Earth to know the right thing to do. -- barbara

  15. My sis has been in the Northwest for 20 years. It is what it is. Like overcast, drizzle and showers. You're in the right place. Snow ain't so bad after all.

    1. Birdman -- You forgot one attribute -- fog. Last night had quite a bit. You must be quite familiar with this area with your sister living here. I have been following the Midwest and Eastern patterns of snow fall this winter. Amazing that everyone is getting so much snow. Stay warm -- thanks barbara
