Monday, August 25, 2014


I came across this Australian Cattledog and his owner while they were eating their lunch outside at a bagel place (dog having fun eating ice cubes). Of course, I always like to say hello to a dog where upon a conversation ensued. I found out this little dog was only fourteen months old and is known as an Australian Cattledog. He will grow to considerable heft as he ages. He sure had a great personality! His owner picked him up and asked for a kiss -- the dog responded like he understood English, and I believe took the owner by surprise as the dog smacked a kiss on him. I was taking photos of the two and caught this on camera and thought I would share it with you all.

Owner, "how about a kiss." 

Dog: "you got it."

Owner: "hey this dog is smart, he understands English."

Looks like love to me.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Large Piece of Turf 
1503 watercolor painting by Albrecht Durer

Since I was young I have always been fascinated by weeds. Their shapes, colors, textures, blooms, seeds, and habits were part of my interest in these warriors, survivors, and necessary purveyors of providing life for life.  

Born at the end of WWII, I was thrust into the newly emerging chemical war upon weeds. With the chemical tools of fighting one war, WWII, corporate America rolled over those chemical tools to fight a new war -- a war against weeds (and other wild life). Profits were its motive. 

These chemicals not only killed weeds, good and bad ones in one fell swoop, but also song birds, aquatic life, sickened humans, and fouled our water. 

We were sold a bill of goods about the chemicals.

Richard Mabey, a nature writer, a few years back wrote a book titled,  weeds -- in defense of nature's most unloved plants. He points out that weeds are essential to life and in our world's future might be all we have left in a much diminished natural planet. If you would like to visit his home page on Amazon click here 

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Vendor with his old Studebaker truck parked beside his canopy.

Corvallis, Oregon has a farmer's market that has grown from a few vendors when it began years ago to probably fifty plus vendors today. Now it is a thriving community of vendors, families, street musicians and more. It still remains true to its initial intent of offering fresh garden produce and quality crafts.  Located along the Willamette River,  it provides a natural scenic avenue filled with trees and other plants plus benches and picnic tables placed along the market way.  

I took some photos that illustrate the energy that one would would run into as they walked along the market-way  -- see below. 

Bikes parked along a railing at the edge of the Farmers Market

Families enjoy the passing crowd while enjoying 
some farm fresh food. 

A Corvallis mother and two sons delighted me with
 some smiles and some nice conversation.

Dogs were everywhere  at the market -- with their owners -- strutting their stuff and being friendly with anyone who gave them an occasional  pat on the head. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014


Waiting for a beer tasting event this weekend. 
 Multnomah Village -- a Portland, Oregon neighborhood. .

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


On a hot, sun blazing Saturday afternoon I spotted this old skating rink from my car as I drove away from Corvallis, Oregon after I just learned that I had to dish out some money to get some expensive repairs done to my Toyota truck. But that is neither here nor there. 

I now was occupied scanning the area for some opportunities to take photographs when I spotted this old building. The old sign out by the road appeared to read, "Roll-Away Roller Rink." I knew to turn around and pull into its dirt road for some quick shots. 

It stood rather forlornly in a large open field. Swallows were very active flying around and I think in and out of the building. When I got out of my car a couple flew low at me -- I guess to either scare me off or just to inspect who this new critter was. 

The old wood building had some vernacular charm but was hinting abandonment. Some TLC was needed soon or else it would start having some really bad problems. Yet hope can spring eternal for old buildings.

And hope is alive. After my photo session with the building I went home and researched online for some information on the rink. I found out the building with rink was built in 1923 which makes it now about 90 years old! Apparently a group of women skaters bought the property recently for a very reasonable price and are planning to restore it. My heart is with them. We need to save our old buildings.

P.S. Hopefully, the swallows will gently be encouraged to relocate!

Click HERE for Corvallis Gazette Times article on the roller rink's future.