Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Our rain storm today, swiftly blowing out to the west this evening

We are quite fortunate in Washington state, weather wise that is, compared to the Northeast part of the United States. I have been listening for days to the weather folks explaining the huge storms that have been hitting the eastern portion of the U.S. Tonight I read some of the blogs that are located in the snowy part of our country and shudder to think what they are going through.

 On the blog Slow Cook I read how they lost power last night for a few hours and when morning breaks they have to get out to the barn to feed and care for their farm animals -- trudging through cold temps and very deep snow! At the time of my reading they could not get out of their drive as their truck was stuck there.

Tabor over at Room Without Walls writes about the flocks of birds fighting over the food available from her feeder. They are fighting for survival she feels. She has photos of all the birds at her feeders.

It has been a tough winter for not only many humans but also the wild critters. I give thanks to the folks out there that are having a tough time getting around but still can find time to care for the animals, both wild and domestic.


Hand printed on this gravestone is the name James Harris. Wrote by maybe a family member that felt a handmade gravestone was more personal in the time of grief or maybe because money was short that year. I find these types of handmade gravestones touching.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 Woodland Graveyard

Not a great sight! What do you think?

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Lancaster's Water Works Building -- Vacant

What was that building used for is a common question when one first observes it. It so happens that this 1800s water works building has a history of protecting the town of Lancaster, Kentucky during its early beginnings.

 As a fairly young settlement in the 1800s there was a need for an organized effort to provide water to Lancaster for fighting fires. As a result a small nearby water reservoir in the countryside was put into use providing water to the pumps inside the water works building. From there the water was pulled up through the building's pumps and then out again  --  pumping through a lone water main which traveled about a few miles into the town of Lancaster. There the water use was reserved for the early fire fighters of the town.  

It now sits empty in a green space area -- providing beauty while still initiating queries from observers as to what the building was used for originally -- no markers identify it.

Deteriorating door frame and door. 
Otherwise the building appears to be in fairly good shape. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Its office place

Its metal landscape 

Its electrical grid

Its raw resources