Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Recently my daughter and granddaughter made a trip to California for a tennis tournament. While there they toured around a bit looking at different neighborhoods. 

On one leg, around the city where they were staying,  they ran into this extraordinary event. At least extraordinary to them.  They sat in their car in amazement as a man painted his grass green -- yes with green paint. He wasn't painting fake turf he was painting droughty brown grass. 

My granddaughter thought this incident was worth taking some pictures of so she jumped out of their car and started snapping her Iphone. The photo above is the small go-cart kind of  truck with a white plastic tank behind it that had a tube leading to the man's sprayer. 

 Her second photo was the sign that the man placed on the grass as seen above. It reads, "Caution wet paint". Then she sent the images off to me via her Iphone    

Although she did not get a photo of the actual spraying I found a YouTube demonstrating how they spray. Now some of you might know all about this technique? 

I found this practice unreal.

Check out this minute long YouTube -- it is beyond words.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Puppet and Such's storefront window display during the Christmas season

Community is a vital part of thriving towns. In Berea, Kentucky one finds a strong element of involvement in community through art, education and music. 

I stumbled upon a new business, Puppets and Such,  a few weeks ago while I was in Old Town, a historic section of Berea. It offers another piece of art and education for the community. 

Puppets and Such was a shop like none I had ever been in before. It is a shop dedicated to the world of puppets. Within were puppets for sale, a special stage for community puppet performances, a unique collection of vintage puppets, plus more with  a friendly owner, Richard Brown, to greet you as you enter his shop. 

Richard Brown with two hand puppets from a recent community performance

Actually there are two owners. They are Richard and Mary Brown, both retired from educational positions. Mary's fascination with puppets was the spark that eventually led to the couple moving to Berea to begin their new enterprise. 

Community consists of all ages. The Brown team is filling a youthful element through their free performances that introduces the age old art of puppets -- a coming together to enjoy entertainment in a way that seemed like a dying breed until the Brown's  came to town.

Monday, January 21, 2013


There is a cluster of farm outbuildings with a barn that I have been eyeing  for some time as I thought they would be wonderful to photograph 

So a couple days ago I rode over to the spot with my camera thinking that it would be just me and the farm structures. But no, I found out differently once I stepped out of my little truck and starting taking photos.

First came the dogs, one by one

Racing down the road they came

Even a big Saint Bernard that wanted to check out the inside of my truck. 

All were friendly, they just hung around me while I took my pictures

When I had almost finished my photos I heard quite a sound coming up the hill in back of the barn. Then rounding the corner came mules -- then horses -- galloping toward a fence section near where I stood. Then they stopped and began looking me over very inquisitively. 

Mules taking a watch position in front of the barn.

Horses acted a bit bored with the whole thing. 

Now I had four dogs, two mules and two horses all closely around me.  I felt like I was at an animal party

As I finished taking photos, I thanked the animals for their hospitality. 

 Leaving the farm I took one last look at some of the official dog greeters. This was surely a new kind of experience for me.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Sign on old wood shed along a country road 
in Rockcastle county. Old cement steps and a fresh black topped road should help bring some customers.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Snuggled into a hillside -- ready for wintry weather

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This transverse barn was found along Red Lick Road in Estill County as well as the barn below. They both sport eye popping graphic quilt patterns. The idea of quilt squares on barns grew out of Ohio in 2001 and it seems as if it has been growing exponentially ever since in Kentucky. 

Now quilt squares can be found in several states. I don't know if they are as prolific as they are here, One thing I do know is that they sure light up the country side 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Could not resist taking a photo of this folksy mailbox along a county road -- someone with an artful eye and a good sense of delight painted this box. I am sure the mail carrier enjoys placing mail in it rather than the dark all one color boxes. 

This reminds me about letter writing. Oh, I know it is almost out of fashion -- now that we use emails. Do you still write letters to relatives or friends?  Letters, to me, seem touchingly personal.

I was reminded of this  lately when I sat down and wrote a letter to an old friend in Michigan. She called me when she received it and told me she opened it by her road mailbox to read rather than wait to open it back at the house. She said it had been a long time since she had received a personal letter in the mail and that it made her day. Sometimes it's the little things that count.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Sometimes my mind can be rather playful when I am taking photographs. This photo, taken on my small back deck, spoke Rorschach symbolism to me when I snapped it. It had naturally occurred  from fresh white snow caressing a small tree branch. 

Patterns have always intrigued me. This pattern appeared  rather mystical -- like a Native American white buffalo. 

Later that day, when I was back in my cozy abode, I looked up  its symbolism.  On this Native American site it said the appearance of a white buffalo is rare -- it signifies a time of change upon the planet and a new level of responsibility for humankind. Their interpretation leaves lots of room for  our imagination. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013


This Old House

Is there anything left?

Some pie, some coins, some old shoes -- anything?

House empties -- family leaves. Dogs outside on chains howl, "don't forget us."

Room for all in the old farm truck -- away they go -- crying and laughing and howling.

Toward the end of the rainbow.

~ ~ barbara


Shed's Strap Hasp

Surprises can be found when looking at farm buildings -- such as finely crafted objects. John King's shed that stands on his Kentucky farm appears very utilitarian. Natural vertical boards with old saw marks define its personality. Its construction reflects permanence and stability. 

For me, the surprise on the shed's exterior was its attached hasp. A hasp is the latch-like metal piece that allows a lock to be attached to secure the door. 

This shed's hasp is made of heavy-duty iron (maybe cast?) and carries an old design. It is about 12 inches across and designed with a C scroll at one end and an arrow at the other. 

Why this lovely designed hasp was allocated to be on the simplest of King's farm buildings has  left me scratching my head? 

John King's Shed
For more about John King's farm click here

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Crooked barn door

Was 2012 a crooked type of year or not? Crooked in the sense that it was out of sync. It was a year so full of chaos created by politics, weather and wars. Perhaps this year will be calmer -- let's hope so!

Today is the day after New Years and I have made a few resolutions. Basically they are to continue to learn more about photography and computers from my son and by taking a couple classes. Also, to lose a few pounds, read great books, work on my genealogy, write, research, exercise, play fetch everyday with my big male dog sallietomato (Sal) and observe the natural world surrounding my home. Quite ordinary resolutions. Beyond this -- I will roll with whatever the universe has up its sleeve.

I feel that some of you have some interesting resolutions -- would like to hear them if you are willing to reveal!